a few comments on the move to amend env, forest & wildlife laws
What i said to NDTV on the issue of reviewing environment, forests & wildlife laws (http://envfor.nic.in/content/comments-invited-suggestionscomments-are-invited-high-level-committee-hlc-review-various-env)
a) that it says review, an amendment -and could still mean that the laws will be strengthened, which is what is required. Though well, the wind is blowing another way, and various amendments down the years have only diluted the laws.
b) That the committee required wider representation from forest department (which is the competent authority for these) ecologists, experts, scientists etc.
c) That a tweet-and-a half was not enough to comment on laws of such import, laws which safeguard life sustaining eco-systems: water, clean air, livelihood of a majority of our population (agriculturists . How would communities who depend on forests for livelihood comment, make their voices heard. You cannot put a restriction on number of words when you inviting comments in a democracy, whether you take it on board is upto the committee-but not contain and restrict voices. What was the wisdom behind this? Was there any?
d) That it needs to be understood that sound ecology is critical to healthy growth, a fact acknowledged even by the world bank
e) That India is a world leader in conservation, and we should take that position to greater heights, not plummet into the depths.
What came on NDTV: “I, for one, cannot comment on laws of such import in 200 characters.”
ps: The reporter Hridayesh Joshi is actually excellent(in spite of the chopping!). he did a fanstastic story on how the coal shortage wasn’t one,but a myth perptuated for other motives.